GYB CLE EXPERT: Chris Hatala

About Chris Hatala

NAME: Chris Hatala
COMPANY: Games Done Legit
TITLE: Event Director/Final Boss

Right now, you might be thinking, “What do videogames & VR have to do with special events?” Our story of Games Done Legit‘s origin demonstrates how interactive entertainment brings us together like nothing else.

Growing up, I was an unpopular, short, smart, nerdy kid with insanely unmanageable head of hair. But after school, none of that mattered.

Through videogames, I learned to test my skills, overcome challenges, experience new worlds, and make new friends. Arcades were the only place I didn’t feel self-conscious about my height! The normal things kids tease you about don’t apply in the gaming world. No matter what natural traits you’re born with, and anyone has an equal chance to be on top.

Then from 2006-2012, my friend and I created and directed what became one of the world’s international videogame tournaments. I got to meet and entertain people from all different countries and walks of life.
Our annual event drove home to me how gaming can bring us closer to people we think we have nothing in common with.

I started Games Done Legit to share that joy with everyone during the biggest events of their lives.

Today, the lines between gaming and reality are further blurred. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (think Pokemon Go) immersively teach us skills and empathy like nothing else in history.

The future is bright, so Make It Fun!
Game on!

Videos From Chris Hatala:

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