Your sponsorship dollars can make the difference. By sponsoring you’re directly supporting the GYB CLE mission of growing business and kickstarting careers in Northeast Ohio. Sponsorship at any level will help with our costs associated with intern compensation, production studio and equipment. The proof of our impact can be seen on our homepage.


Video sponsors have their logo placed at the beginning of the GYB CLE videos with a CTA message. Sponsors benefit from over 1000 local NEO views per week, and remain public and promoted for life of the video (think years)!


Online sponsors have their logo placed on all GYB CLE digital platforms including but not limited to our website, weekly emails, and social media channels. Sponsors will also benefit from a personalized “I’m part of the experience” marketing materials including graphics,  a logo you can place on your website, and social media messages that you can post!

  • $2,500 – First Tier Logo
  • $1,000 – Second Tier Logo
  • $500 – Third Tier Logo
  • $100 – Fourth Tier (name only)