Marketing Your GYBCLE Video

By October 20, 2016 Video Planning

Let’s talk about marketing your Grow Your Business Cleveland expert tip video.

[Video Transcript]

It’s a wrap! Your video is complete and published on YouTube and the GYB CLE website. Congrats! Now what? To be sure you get the most out of your video, we’ve prepared these tips to help you share and promote it.

First, let’s talk about YOUR VIDEO. It’s important to know our team has strategically produced this video to provide you with a ton of valuable content. There’s a plethora of interesting facts, snippets, titles, statistics, and quotes that can be shared in unique ways to different target audiences over and over again.

Wow! We’ll cover how a little bit later in this video. For now let’s visit our website at This is the home of Grow Your Business Cleveland where we officially publish your video, It’s THE place to send your audience. Why you ask? Because our team has created a great looking BLOG POST for your video complete with promotional copy, a transcript, your short bio, and a link to your own expert speaker page. Now be sure to leave a comment and start up a conversation.

Your SPEAKER PAGE includes your photo, contact information, full bio, behind the scenes photos, links to your social media channels and your website. And Because this is where you will leverage the collective traffic of all the GYB CLE content and Expert’s videos. Feel free to reuse or “copy” any of the promotional material we’ve posted for your own use.

Next, let’s talk about the GYB CLE YouTube channel, where your video is hosted. As you’ll see we’ve already optimized your video with hooking titles, tags, descriptions, and promotional copy. But wait! -there’s more to do! Just like your blog post, your first step here should be to leave a personal comment and try to spark a conversation. Then, take advantage of YouTube’s array of tools for promoting and sharing. And if you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe the GYB CLE YouTube channel.

When it comes to promoting your video, social media is one of the most powerful tools out there. We’re talking Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+ and more! To get the best results, consider these tips:

  • Create a unique strategy for each of your channels.
  • Use targeted hooking titles and headlines.
  • Don’t just post once – post often – Take advantage of the variety of content in your video
  • Be visual and get noticed by posting graphics, not just links!
  • Encourage interaction and engagement by asking questions.
  • Utilize hashtags. Tag people and Companies.
  • Share with influencers, groups and content communities.
  • And finally, consider pay-to-promote options

Don’t forget -you should be featuring your video on your own website. And if you’re a blogger, you know the drill! With all the content in your GYB video, you’ll have plenty to talk about and share.

Email continues to top the charts in marketing, so be sure to include your GYB video in your newsletters, promotions and communications! How about adding a “see-me on GYB” link in your email signature?

There are so many ways to get the most out of your video, in this video, we’ve only brushed the surface. What techniques would you recommend? Comment your ideas below, and make sure you check back here for more updates on promoting your Grow Your Business Cleveland expert tip video.

1 Step 1
Business Expert Video Worksheet
Nameyour full name
The HookVideo Title
0 / 2000
Knowledge PointsExpert Tip
0 / 8000
Happy EndingTakeaways
0 / 2000
Backstage Interviews2-3 Stories
0 /

One Comment

  • Steve Petti says:

    This video was produced for the GYB CLE experts but will work for anyone wanting to get the best ROI from their business video using their own channels. Thank you GYB CLE intern Kaitlin Peffer for a great job making this video.