In this episode Natalie Bauman; Entrepreneur, Chief storyteller, And video producer shares 3 Methods to Reveal the Heart of a Testimonial Video! After the tip, we go backstage and learn about Natalie’s, Pebble in the pond, Life on the stage, Path to purpose, and more!
I’m Natalie Bauman, the founder and CEO of the Digital Mosaic. I’m going to share three methods to reveal the heart of a testimonial video.
Everyone in business knows the value of an emotional video to get their point across for whoever they’re selling to, talking to, communicating with. The first method to help really create an impactful video for testimonials is to capture the why. When your video testimonial reveals the why, why does somebody support your organization, why is your product important to them, how have you touched their life, then you have something really valuable and meaningful because it’s from the heart.
The second method to ensure a really special video is to accept the unexpected. A lot of times, you might walk into a video interview expecting to get a certain type of answer, but sometimes what you get is even more magical. Don’t have your agenda in mind of what you want them to talk about. Bring up the subject and let them go with it. Encourage them with a, “Yes. Uh huh. Tell me more”, and then you’ll find that what they bring you is often much better than what you could have anticipated to start with.
The final method that I wanted to share today is to go deeper. When you’re interviewing somebody, take those precious moments of silence where they pause and say nothing. Encourage them with your eyes or ask them, “And then what? Tell me more.” Be a patient listener and be really there in the moment with them. The things that people will reveal can be the most meaningful part of your business video testimonial.
The heart of your testimonial videos are the things that are unexpected, the deeper dive into the content, and allowing somebody to just have a moment to really think about what they want to say. If you can bring those into your next video testimonial that you create, I think you might find there’s some magic there.
About the Speaker

Natalie Bauman
Natalie is an award-winning video producer, director and writer with over 25 years of credits and awards in the broadcast, corporate, education and entertainment fields, and now the founder of The Digital Mosaic, a guided online video storytelling experience.
Click here to find out more about Natalie Bauman.
Behind the Scenes: The Intern Production Team

Emily Wagner
University of Dayton
Marketing & Communications Student
Zak Dunaway
Northern Kentucky University
Electronic Media Student
Kaitlin Peffer
Miami University of Ohio
Professional & Creative Writing Student